Lady Trojans For The Win!

Aubree Wilson and Elaina Elder

On Tuesday, January 18 the PHS girls varsity basketball team traveled to Valley of Caledonia to participate in the County Hog prior to the boys varsity game. They had a big win of 55 to 12. 

The girls began the game with lots of intensity. The first quarter ended with a score of 18 to 1. The Trojans started in their full court press from the beginning of the game and never looked back. 

After the first quarter the team took a huddle before beginning the second quarter.Then the girls hustled back onto the court pumped and refreshed after the short water break. The Trojans ended the half with a score of 33 to 2. They ran to the locker room for half time all smiles and very confident about how they were performing. 

After halftime the girls came out of the locker room still pumped and ready for the next half. They ended the third quarter with a score of 42 to 7. They held the Valley Lady Vikings to only scoring 12 points. The final score was 55 to 12. Even with the Vikings struggling to pull through the Trojans never let up and played hard the whole game. The girls played such a great game against Valle and it was a good win to add up for our conference games. The Lady Trojans record is 10 and 5. 

The Lady Trojans will travel to Park Hills to play the Lady Rebels tonight, January 20th at 6 pm.