Potosi Speech and Debate Earns Second

Stella Bourbon, Reporter

The Potosi High School speech and debate team competed at the Missouri East Speech Association (MESA) conference tournament, Tuesday January 10. The team scored 2nd overall and won many individual awards too. 

  • Noelle Porter & Allison Land-Duet Acting–8th in Conference
  • Caleb Carter-Radio Speaking–7th in Conference
  • Kalie Thompson-Dramatic Interpretation–3rd in Conference-Conference Medalist
  • Devon Stefanko-Original Oratory–4th in Conference
  • Noelle Porter-Humorous Interpretation–2nd in Conference-Conference Medalist
  • Robert Price-Humorous Interpretation–6th in Conference
  • Robert Price and Noelle Porter-Duo Interpretation–1st Place Conference Champions
  • Francesca Zaban-Informative Speaking–1st Place Conference Champion
  • Aaron Thompson-Poetry Reading–5th in Conference
  • Allison Land-Storytelling–3rd in Conference- Conference Medalist
  • Autumn Sellers-Storytelling–2nd in Conference- Conference Medalist

The team will now move onto districts March 4 at Eldon High School.