Wyatt Richards Experience in the National Guard

Wyatt Richards Experience in the National Guard

Cassidy Price and Logan Compton

When it comes to high school students there aren’t many who choose to join the National Guard. Many people feel frightened or intimidated to have so much responsibility. However, there are a few students at Potosi that have made it their duty to serve our country. One, in particular, student is Wyatt Richards.

Joining the National Guard can be a scary thing. It is not a decision to be pressured into. Wyatt said, “Joining the National Guard is totally like a job interest and it is only something you should do if it’s something you truly want to do.” If you are unsure and feel like you could not put forth all of your effort, then the National Guard probably isn’t the best place for you.

Wyatt has always had a strong desire to serve the country, but he also wanted to continue pursuing his education. Joining the National Guard allowed him to do so. It can be helpful or interesting to know someone at your drill site. Wyatt said, “When you go in you definitely learn more about people and kind of learn to like them and you kind of just build mutual friendships with them.” Going to drill with random people can also be helpful and interesting because most of the people will be open-armed and understanding. Everyone there understands how it feels because they are going through similar things to what you are. 

In the National Guard, these students are trained in various skills, including marksmanship, leadership, and teamwork. They also learn how to respond to emergency situations and provide assistance to those in need. The National Guard is the training to be prepared for the actual basic training. A lot of the time the National Guard is more prepared for basic training than the actual Army. There have been stories of the Army and the National Guard attending basic training together. Most of the outcomes are National Guard members knowing exactly what to do when the drill sergeant gives orders, while the Army members just stand there because they haven’t been trained for anything. Some unique skills that Wyatt has learned that help prepare them for basic training involve taking firearms apart and putting them back together while, simultaneously, cleaning them in the process. They have also been learning how to do the 9-line medevac call. 9-line is a military term that medevacs use to call in an injury while in combat. These scenarios can be very stressful and hectic, so the best way to accurately report a soldier in need of medical care is to stay calm and focused. 

Wyatt said that he joined the National Guard his junior year. As a junior in high school, Wyatt’s decision to join the National Guard sets him apart as a true leader and role model for others. He has shown a remarkable level of maturity, dedication, and great time management, while also participating in tennis at the same time National Guard training happens. Wyatt’s commitment to serving his country while also pursuing his education and hobbies is truly encouraging.

Despite the challenges of balancing school and military duties, Wyatt has found the experience to be incredibly rewarding. He shows his dedication by being able to serve his country while also pursuing his education and has learned valuable skills that will stay with him for a lifetime. Wyatt is  truly a positive figure for our school and our community. Wyatt leads and offers a good reference on how fellow students should honor and look at our nation. 

Finally, we would like to take a moment to express our gratitude toward Wyatt for choosing to serve his country by joining the National Guard. The willingness to step forward and take on the challenges of military service is truly inspiring and shows a great aspect of your character, your courage, and your commitment to something greater than yourself.