Monday-Hey day: Say “HEY” to everyone you meet today! Wear yellow or sunglasses to brighten everyone’s day. Notice people, everyone matters and can make a difference! We are glad you are here!
Tuesday-Kindness Rules: Wear a Be Kind shirt. Students will be at the entrances handing out smiley face stickers.
Wednesday-Write it Out Wednesday: Pick up items in the cafeteria during your lunch shift. There are journals, pens, bracelets, and information from Shayley’s Angels. Students can perform an RAOK by donating $1 (lunch shifts) to Shayley’s Angels to honor a friend or loved one. These will be displayed in the common area throughout the week.
Thursday- Positive self-talk: The power of self-talk can improve self-esteem, stress management, and well-being .“I can do it,” “I am enough,” “I create solutions.”
Friday-Love Purple Live Gold: Wear purple and show your support to live the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated.