Mrs. Nickelson graduated from Potosi High School in 2000 and later attended the University of Missouri-St Louis. She graduated in 2004 with a Bachelor of social work and a bachelor of science in sociology.
In Mrs. Nickelson’s younger years, she helped operate and run her family feed store in Potosi. She later took over the family business. Mrs. Nickeleson lives on a cattle farm in Belgrade with her family which has been in operation since 1902 called Sunlight Farms and is Missouri’s Century farm. With her extensive knowledge and experience in the agriculture field, she wishes to pass her knowledge on to her students.
Mrs. Nickelson said, “My goals, for the upcoming FFA Year, are to promote agricultural learning through hands-on experiences and interactive projects. I will encourage more student involvement and strive to grow the agricultural classes, FFA program, and Potosi High School.
Mrs. Nickelson has plans for all her students to work hands-on and be in an environment to grow and experience new things they can use for their futures outside of agriculture and even in agriculture.
Potosi High School senior student Stella Bourbon, 24-25 FFA vice president said, “I’m excited for all the new upcoming events and ideas she’s bringing this year. So far she has brought a bright and positive attitude that I love and can’t wait to see what else she has in store.”
Mrs. Nickelson is excited for her first year at Potosi High School and to teach students about the importance and education agriculture has in our lives.