Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. Potosi High School Gymnasium will be hosting the Potosi Ministerial Alliance. They have been able to help with gas, food, utilities and rent for those who are in need. It’s only possible because of the support we have within our community!
They will be taking up a love offering the night of this event. All of the money raised will go back into our community.
Vespers is brought on by First Baptist, Reviving Hope, Southern Baptist, First Assembly and life Church. Vesper’s goal is to bring the community together to show and teach them the nativity scene through song and play. It follows the life of Jesus Christ from when he was first born.
Michelle Knobeloch said, “Tonight is an opportunity to come together as a community to remember the precious gift of Jesus.”
Keep on supporting Vespers so that they can continue to do what they do.