Tuesday, Dec. 3, the Potosi High School speech and debate team hosted their conference B meet.
Potosi’s team and other schools were invited to participate and compete in their abilities to act, perform, and communicate in varied events.
Speech competitions are split into A meets and B meets. This year and last year, Potosi has hosted a B meet. Those consist of radio speaking, poetry, duet acting, humorous interpretation, and original oratory.
“This year I’ve been doing poetry and prose. At this meet I’m performing my poetry piece called Leaving Home: A Collection. I’m really sad about it because it’s about growing up and moving into being my own person, much like I’m doing now. More than anything it feels like a farewell tribute to my mom and it really helps me project myself into my piece,” said Senior Aaron Thompson.
Former poetry finals winner and current qualifier Thompson highlights his senior peer, Melissa Simmons as a quick adapting team member. Though this is only her first and last year on the team, she’s already crushed conference meets with consistent first placements in her competing rooms and has qualified for finals in prose and duo interpretation.
“If students continue to push themselves and try as hard as they have been this year I am confident that we’ll crush finals this year. Preparation is always key and I push my students to always be practicing and prepared. We have grown as a team in numbers and talent this year and we’re always working to improve our performances and scores,” said speech coach Mr. Dement.
After Potosi’s team finals win last year, they’ll be sending at least one member that has qualified to compete again in every event for the winning spot at Kingston High School Dec. 10. Those who place high enough in finals will progress to the larger and louder in a district competition on March 15 and 16.