Why are sports so Important in Schools?


There are so many things to be proud of in life, but if you had to choose one thing what would it be? What were the answers that the Potosi High School students and staff told me?  

Some Potosi High School students and staff gave the answer that a family member or friend is what made them proud this year. They also said that their grades or themselves are what made them proud this year. However, the main answer to the question was sports. Why are sports so important in schools? 

for some students sports in school are more than just an after school activity, it is what keeps students in school. There are nearly eight million high school student athletes in the United States. By participating in sports, students are benefited in many ways.

“So you have something to look forward to after school,” – Carsyn Yount sophomore volleyball player said. 

A major benefit of being a part of sports is reduced stress. Research has shown that keeping kids active can help them feel less stressed. Physical education will be one of the best ways for a student to relieve any excessive pressure from academics in other disciplines. Endorphins, important feel-good transmitters for the mind and body, are released during exercise from the brain. It’s also among the best techniques to block out any problems outside of oneself. Sport helps us relax and forget about other issues by focusing our attention on the subject at hand. Key societal concerns can be addressed and brought to public attention through sports. 

One of the best ways to help improve confidence is through sports. You’ll feel more confident in your abilities when your strength, skills, and stamina develop as a result of training since you’ll see tangible results. 

“It’s important to have sports in school because it allows students to be more a part of the school. Students are able to make connections with their fellow classmates and gain leadership and confidence,” Jade Williams senior athlete said. 

Students can deepen their awareness of both themselves and others by participating on an athletic team. Students might not be able to predict how their participation will influence them or their teammates at the start of the season. Athletes have a better understanding of who they are, and some even try to visualize their goals. Athletes have the chance to explore their perceived limits and push over what they think they can do in one season, which is a fairly brief period of time in the total school year. Athletes discover how their own decisions affect them and their teams as they come to terms with their own personal limitations. They are able to learn more about themselves thanks to this encounter.

“It provides opportunities and learning skills that are very beneficial to us,” Kenley Wicker sophomore volleyball player said.

 How can sports impact kids to come to school? Sports keep students motivated to continue to come to school everyday. High school students who play sports are less likely to drop out. Research shows that girls that play sports are less likely to have a teen pregnancy and not do drugs. They are more than likely to graduate and go onto college. Students stay out of trouble when they are in sports. Try harder in classes to maintain a good grade to play in the games. Students learn valuable life skills in sports. Goal setting, time management, and communication skills are some of the good life skills students acquire. Participation in sports in team sports has been proven to have a positive affect on kids gpa. Students that participate in sports have a lower chance of illnesses, and unhealthy lifestyles. It’s been proven by scientists that playing sports helps your brain grow more and helps it work better everyday. Sports teach valuable lessons. When kids play sports frequently can they develop traits like teamwork, leadership, patience, discipline, learning from mistakes, sportsmanship, etc. These traits are equally crucial when it comes to management and academics.

Coach Sadler Said, “It’s important because we raise successful kids, and get them ready for life after school.” 

Fundamentally, everyone can benefit from physical education in terms of their health, and kids are no exception. Physical education can be a fantastic outlet for kids to take some of their boundless energy out. Exercise is a great approach to improve fitness levels and maintain good health, as we all know. Their physical education lesson is essential to their overall health for kids who don’t have many opportunities to exercise outside of school. An underappreciated aspect of sports is failure. Sport is one of the best mediums to demonstrate the persistence and hard effort required to achieve in life. Since there are clear winners and losers in sports, there are often natural highs and lows, which are necessary for kids to experience .Sport is an excellent medium for showing how perseverance pays off. To succeed in every aspect of life, one must be persistent and never give up. Kids will learn the value of striving hard to attain one’s objectives through sports.

Well some may say, well our sports teams get funded more than anything. Schools still fund sports because sports are the foundation of schools. Funding sports helps students in a positive way friendships are created on teams, these relationships are crucial for mental, physical, and emotional health throughout high school. In an effort to attain their sporting goal, many athletes have made significant sacrifices in their personal life. They risk their lives every day, but your support will make it all worthwhile. By helping them, you are letting them know that their efforts have been valuable. Future idols and role models for the next generation will be the athletes you support. Everyone needs a role model, and by supporting them during pivotal moments in their sports careers, you are assisting in creating these role models.

Family is a big factor in sports. Sports brings families together. Families come together and bond over mutual interest.  Many kids struggle with family problems. Sports are an escape from that. Local sports leagues foster neighborhood connection. According to studies, families who take part in neighborhood sports form closer bonds with other families and feel more a part of the neighborhood. Sport has been linked to fostering deeper societal ties and elevating young people’s self-esteem.